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About Us

FUN TV Network

We invite you to join faith United network and the countless unheard voices around the globe who will now have a pure place where their inspirations will unite people all over the world.  Where the next generation of leaders will be discovered and their Christian ideals will usher in a new era of hope and joy.  



The Vision & Mission

Faith United Network will Unite Christians in our Nation and around the World under one media platform.
We will provide a state of the art, user friendly and educational platform.
Faith United Network (FUN) is a nonprofit media company that provides Pastors and Ministers a Media Platform filled with clean content for like-minded individuals. This platform is a mechanism that presents followers/members
with a spiritual connection that inspires the soul and strengthens the spirit.

About Us

The present media platform is an undertaking of greater things to come. We set the management of your subscription at work to build this into a consistently growing experience.


F.U.N. comprises spiritual messages and education in the areas of health, finance, leadership, overcoming life, cooking, relationships and children.


Churches and Ministries can “fight the good fight” against the Humanistic Secular Agenda pervading our Nation and the World.


F.U.N. is a place where meaningful stories of hope and inspiration encourage people everywhere.

The People of Faith United Network TV

We are simply the hands and the feet; the body, of which Christ is the head, and we are led by him through HIS Spirit working in us.
We serve, that God may get the Glory!
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men... Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."  col 3:23-24
Jerry DiPietro
Randy Brown
John Torres
Frank Dupree
Matt & Amy Capenter
Laurice Baddour
Jean O'connor
Dudley Mayers
Robert Costantino
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